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Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to help my Gramma (pictured to the left) create decorated Easter hats. We would use silk flowers, ribbon, and a whole lot of hot glue. I remember that being the time where I built glue gun calluses on my hands and would be dissapointed when I would come to visit and she was too busy to create something new with me. After my Gramma passed away, I knew one of my favorite ways to keep her legacy alive would be to create beautiful products to fill other people's lives with the same amount of joy my Gramma brought to mine. I began crafting for a wedding and completing a few orders in college for some extra money. One summer we picked up speed and with few cards and wreath orders later, Straingely Handmade was born!


Straingely Handmade specializes in greeting cards and festive, fun wreaths but is a small business that likes to experiment and take risks! Most of our business comes from custom orders, which are a great way to make the customer's vision come to life! We are currently located in Tewksbury, MA and enjoy our partnerships with two local businesses as well as making an appearance at the Tewksbury Community Markets at the Tewksbury Public Library! We love meeting customers and taking customer suggestions for designs. Please give your feedback here, or on our Facebook and Instagram accounts!

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